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Behöver jag ha solskyddsfaktor när jag exponeras för ljusterapi?

Do I need sun protection factor when exposed to light therapy?

No, because sunscreens with a protection factor block the harmful UV rays which are not present in light therapy. This means that they do not affect how much red and near-infrared light from the red light treatment reaches your tissues,...

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Hur varm blir en rödljusterapi-panel?

How hot does a red light therapy panel get?

The red light therapy panel never gets hotter than just over 40 degrees Celsius, so there is no risk of burns.

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Vad är skillnaden mellan t ex 500, 1000 och 1500 watt på en ljusterapi-panel?

What is the difference between, for example, 500, 1000 and 1500 watts on a light therapy panel?

The difference is the effect that the light therapy has. The higher the power of the lamps, the greater the health effects at the same time. A lower power requires a longer treatment time and a good rule of thumb...

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Blir man svettig av att använda en ljusterapi-panel?

Does using a light therapy panel make you sweaty?

It is, of course, individual whether you get sweaty during light therapy, and depends on how long the lamp is used. Some people get a little sweaty at the place where the light is applied and it is above all...

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Behöver jag klä av mig vid ljusterapi för att få effekt?

Do I need to undress during light therapy to have an effect?

Yes, it can be an advantage to undress during light therapy. In particular, the red light is easily stopped by clothing, while the near infrared can actually penetrate lighter materials. You can easily see if the garment you are using...

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Kan jag använda rödljusterapi på kvällen?

Can I use red light therapy in the evening?

Yes, red light therapy provides light of such wavelengths that falling asleep is rather facilitated.

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Kan jag titta rätt in i en rödljusterapi-panel eller bör jag stänga ögonen?

Can I look right into a red light therapy panel or should I close my eyes?

The red and near-infrared light in red light therapy itself has no harmful effect on the eyes, but looking directly into the lamp is not very comfortable as it is, after all, a very bright light. If you feel discomfort,...

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Kan jag överdosera och använda rödljusterapi för mycket?

Can I overdose and use red light therapy too much?

Today there are no known side effects of having used too much red light therapy, but to be safe, recommendations must be followed. The only thing that seems to apply in the case of "overdose" is that the positive effects...

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Är det någon mening att använda ljusterapi även på sommaren?

Does it make sense to use light therapy even in the summer?

Yes, there may be a point in using light therapy even in the summer. Generally speaking, it is the dose of red light and near infrared light that is important, how you then get it is secondary. Staying outside for...

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