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Kan man använda ljusterapi när man är gravid?

Can you use light therapy when you are pregnant?

There is no indication that light therapy would have negative effects during pregnancy, and many people use, for example, red light therapy against the skin changes that are sometimes experienced in connection with pregnancy. However, we recommend not having the...

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Finns det några bi-effekter av rödljusterapi?

Are there any side effects of red light therapy?

Having side effects from red light therapy is very unusual and then it is always about excessive treatment time. Anyone who uses a panel many times over the recommended time may lose some of the health effects. In addition, you...

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Vad ska man ha på sig när man gör ljusterapi?

What should you wear when doing light therapy?

For the best effect, you should expose as much skin as possible during the light therapy, so the less clothing the better. Dress like a day at the beach!

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Bör jag använda skyddsglasögon vid behandling med rödljusterapi?

Should I use protective glasses during treatment with red light therapy?

The red and near-infrared light in red light therapy does not in itself have a harmful effect on the eyes, but looking directly into the light therapy lamp should be avoided as it is, after all, a very bright light....

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Hur känns det att sitta fram en rödljusterapi-panel?

How does it feel to sit in front of a red light therapy panel?

What you can experience when you sit in front of a red light therapy lamp is heat that mainly comes from the near-infrared light, which is experienced pleasantly, much like sitting in the evening sun in summer. At the same...

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Vad ska jag tänka på efter genomförd rödljusterapi-session?

What should I think about after a red light therapy session?

There is no need to take special care of anything after a session of red light therapy, but live your life just as usual. One theory is that fat burning gets slightly better after a treatment, and if you believe...

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Kan jag ha smink när jag kör en rödljusterapi session?

Can I wear makeup when doing a red light therapy session?

Yes, it is fine to wear makeup during a red light therapy session. However, the make-up can theoretically prevent the light from getting through the skin, which can be compensated with a slightly longer treatment time. It is mainly a...

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Kan ljusterapi ha inverkan på medicinering som jag tar?

Can light therapy affect the medication I am taking?

There are no known interactions between light therapy and drugs.

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Är det någon speciell lotion eller kräm jag ska behandla kroppen med efter en rödljusterapi-session?

Is there a special lotion or cream I should treat my body with after a red light therapy session?

No, you do not need to treat the body with any special cream after a session of red light therapy.

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