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Hjälper rödljusterapi mot akne?

Does red light therapy help with acne?

Yes, red light therapy can have positive effects on acne.

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Kan rödljusterapi leda till hudcancer?

Can red light therapy lead to skin cancer?

No, there are neither such theories nor findings about red light therapy. It is the UV light that the sun gives us that may have increased the risk of skin cancer, and those wavelengths are missing in red light therapy,...

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Kan rödljusterapi hjälpa mot psoriasis?

Can red light therapy help with psoriasis?

Yes, treating the scalp with light therapy can reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Because red light therapy stimulates the cells in the scalp, the treatment also results in increased hair growth.

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Kan man använda rödljusterapi som hudvård?

Can you use red light therapy as skin care?

Yes, red light therapy can form part of a skin care routine.

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Hur påverkar rödljusterapi min hy?

How does red light therapy affect my skin?

Red light therapy can stimulate collagen production while increasing blood circulation, which can improve skin quality and function. Red light therapy also seems to have positive effects on wound healing, stretch marks and scar healing. At the same time, possible...

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