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Ljusets stora antidepressiva effekt

Lysets store antidepressive effekt

Lys har lenge vært kjent for sin positive innvirkning på vår mentale helse. Lysterapi har blitt brukt i flere tiår som en behandling for å lindre symptomer på depresjon, spesielt for de som lider av sesongmessig affektiv lidelse (SAD) - en form for depresjon som ofte forverres i de mørke vintermånedene. Nylig har forskning på effekten av lys på hjernen vår økt, og effekten av ulike typer lys, inkludert rødt lysterapi, har også begynt å bli utforsket for å se hvordan de kan støtte vårt psykologiske velvære.

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Rödljusterapi kan minska antalet fettceller

Rødt lysterapi kan redusere antall fettceller

En ny studie viser at rødlysterapi kan bidra til fettnedbrytning ved å indusere apoptose i fettceller. I klartekst betyr dette færre fettceller.

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Rödljusterapi ger starkare äldre!

Rødlysterapi gjør eldre sterkere!

En ny oversiktsstudie undersøker hvordan rødt lysterapi (PBM) kan fungere som et supplement til styrketrening for eldre over 60 år.

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Rödljusterapi och svår närsynthet

Rødt lysbehandling og alvorlig nærsynthet

En ny studie viser at gjentatt behandling med rødt lys effektivt kan bremse utviklingen av nærsynthet hos barn og ungdom med alvorlig nærsynthet.

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Rödljusterapi vid cerebral pares (CP)

Rødt lysbehandling for cerebral parese (CP)

Effekten av rødt lysbehandling har vist seg å være positiv da den forbedrer muskelsmerter og spastisitet og reduserer melkesyrenivået.

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Rödljusterapi och IVF-behandlingar

Rødt lys terapi og IVF behandlinger

Denne studien undersøkte bruken av rødt lysterapi (LLLT) for å hjelpe kvinner med tilbakevendende implantasjonssvikt (RIF) til å bli gravide.

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Rödljusbehandling och sockersug

Red Light Therapy and Cravings: A Key to Managing Sweet Cravings

Feeling frustrated by the constant sugar cravings that are interfering with your health goals? It is comforting to know that there are new advances in medical research that point to potential solutions to deal with this problem.

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Rödljusterapi under Sommaren

Red light therapy during the summer

Many who use red light therapy do so for general health, and to provide the body with the light it needs to function normally.

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Rödljusterapi och smärta

Red light therapy and pain

Pain can be caused by many things, and inflammation is usually a component. Therefore, it goes without saying that the reduced inflammatory processes play a major role.

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Rödljusterapi för ökad kognition

Red light therapy for increased cognition

Research shows that the brain is affected by red light therapy, and both mood and cognition can be improved in many individuals.

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Rödljusterapi och autoimmuna sjukdomar

Red light therapy and autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases, i.e. diseases where the body attacks itself, are a scourge for those affected. Depending on which part of the body is affected, the symptoms will be different.

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Rödljusterapi och ångest

Redljusterpi and anxiety

To be human is to have anxiety sometimes. Even the happiest people imaginable struggle with things and demons. It's simply how evolution kept our ancestors on their toes and prepared them for both.

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Fredrik Paulún on RLT

For decades, I have devoted myself to nutrition, written about exercise and given general health advice about stress and sleep. Over 20 books, I have written and read the most important scientific articles and immersed myself in newly discovered areas such as intestinal flora, epigenetics, etc. and thought I had a pretty good grasp of what to do to feel good and maintain health.

"Suddenly the boundaries between particle physics and nutrition weren't so clear anymore..."

Suddenly, the boundaries between particle physics and nutrition weren't so clear anymore, and that was also the reason why I agreed to work with product development at Nutrilight (perhaps you understand how the name came about?). I want to learn more about RLT and help spread the word about this revolutionary technology that can help so many people. It was also the reason why I chose to write a book on the subject. In addition to the effects mentioned, it seems to be able to help with autoimmune diseases, eczema and other skin problems, hair loss, sleep problems, joint pain and pain conditions in general. Also rejuvenating mechanisms such as increase in stem cells, regeneration of nerve cells and increased collagen formation for smaller wrinkles have been reported in science. We are still waiting for the study that shows that RLT will extend the life of those who use it. I don't think we have to wait that long...