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Är det möjligt att köra flera sessioner rödljusterapi under en och samma dag?

Is it possible to run several sessions of red light therapy during the same day?

Yes, it is possible to use red light therapy several times a day. In the first place, it is about the total dosage over the day being sufficient. If you don't have enough time for a full light therapy treatment,...

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Vilken tid på dygnet kan jag använda rödljusterapi?

What time of day can I use red light therapy?

Red light therapy can be used at any time of the day. Discriminating against blue light, red light therapy does not make you alert and can therefore be used with advantage in the evening. It seems to help with sleep...

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Hur långt i från rödljusterapi lampan ska man sitta?

How far from the red light therapy lamp should you sit?

Optimal distance from the red light therapy lamp is about 10 centimeters. The further away you sit, the lower the effect.

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Hur vet jag om rödljusterapi fungerar? Vad ska jag känna efter?

How do I know if red light therapy is working? What should I feel for?

If you have something you want to treat, such as pain or skin problems, the effect of red light therapy is usually quite obvious. In order to really measure the results of the light therapy, you can take pictures of...

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Hur lång bör en rödljusterapi-session vara?

How long should a red light therapy session last?

10-20 minutes is the recommended treatment time for a session of red light therapy.

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Kan rödljusterapi förbättra mina träningsresultat?

Can red light therapy improve my exercise results?

Yes, you can expect faster recovery if you use red light therapy, whether you're doing strength or conditioning. Muscle mass also increases slightly, which gives better strength and performance.

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Hjälper rödljusterapi mot träningsvärk?

Does red light therapy help with exercise pain?

Yes, the inflammations are reduced and the reconstruction is faster with the help of red light therapy, which leads to reduced training pain. In addition, the near-infrared light has a direct pain-relieving effect.

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Finns det träningsformer där rödljusterapi inte lämpar sig att användas?

Are there forms of exercise where red light therapy is not suitable for use?

The only thing that seems to be negatively affected are sports that involve holding your breath, such as freediving. As the metabolism increases from red light therapy, one will inevitably have to breathe earlier than otherwise.

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Hur påverkar rödljusterapi min återhämtning efter träning?

How does red light therapy affect my recovery after exercise?

Red light therapy accelerates muscle building and reduces exercise pain and inflammation. This means that it is possible to train hard again earlier than if you had not used red light therapy.

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